
1. 教育部規劃的「國小學習領域教學中心」網站正式成立,除了有國語、英語、本土語言等11個學習領域的典範教學教案外,還有各項研習資訊、人才資料庫及留言板等,成為國小各學習領域教學的交流平臺。

The website of the teaching center for the elementary school students’ learning projected by the Ministry of Education is formally established. In addition to the model teaching materials of the eleven learning fields including Chinese, English and local languages, other information relating to research and study, talent bank and message board are included in the website to be a platform of exchanging teachings in elementary schools.

2. 原物料上漲,國中小教科書也傳出調漲,預估漲幅超過兩成,不過,教育部表示,教科書計價審議委員會明天(18)才開會,目前還在訪價、進行了解階段,現在談漲價言之過早,還要等開會後才知道有無調漲空間。

The price of raw materials is rising, so does the textbooks’ in elementary schools and junior high schools. More than twenty percent of it may be increased. Concerning this issue, the Ministry of Education says that the committee for the valuation of textbooks will be held tomorrow. The price will be confirmed after the meeting. It’s too early to discuss about the rising price when it is working on the inquiring phase.

3. 十二年國教將在103年上路,明星高中反對匆促推動,不只建中學生連署要求暫緩實施十二年國教,北一女學生也打算以網路臉書串聯, 5月27號發起到教育部靜坐、遞交陳情書。教育部表示,外界有疑慮,可能是十二年國教政策宣導不足,教育部4月25號將舉辦說明會,公布各招生區入學方式,解決外界疑慮。

The 12-year compulsory education program will be put into practice in 2014. Some star senior high schools oppose to set it into action in a hurry. Not only the students of Taipei Municipal 建國 High School cosign a document for asking to postpone the program, but also the ones of Taipei First Girls High School are planning to raise a sit-down in front of MOE by facebook connection to deliver their gravamen. The Ministry of Education indicates that the public misgivings may come from the insufficient promotion of the policy. It will hold explanation seminar on April 25th to reveal the enrollment of the program.

4. 為提升校園閱讀風氣,正修科技大學圖書資訊處特別打造全國獨一無二歐洲宮廷式馬車造型的行動書車,昨天(16)由校長龔瑞璋帶領全校師生啟用,圖書資訊處還甄選「閱讀大使」,負責將行動書車推到校園各處。行動書車結合傳統科技,不僅可以借書,也可以利用智慧型手機借書,讓正修學生無論身處何處,都可以看到書。

The office of library and Information,正修 University, specially sets up a unique books car featuring by its courtly-carriage shape for enhancing the reading common practice of the school. Being led by the principal 龔瑞璋, the car formally started working yesterday. The office also selected the reading ambassadors who are responsible for bring the car to different locations of campus. By the combination of traditional technology, it provides the basic books-delivering service as well as the one through smart phone software which let the students be able to read wherever they want.

5. 國內近來殺子自殺事件頻傳,立委王育敏呼籲政府重視自殺問題,建立完備的自殺預防機制。衛生署長邱文達表示,自殺已經從99年退出國人十大死因,自殺人數也在民國100年減少400多人,但是衛生署還是會繼續在預防自殺方面再加強。

The cases relating to the commit suicide of parents and their children are continually revealed recently. The legislator 王育敏 calls upon the government to pay attention to this issue by establishing a completed mechanism for the prevention of commit suicide. Director of Department of Health邱文達 says the number of the cases has four hundred decreased comparing to the one in 2011 which leads itself out of the local top ten reasons of death. It will keep working on the prevention work even it has been improved.

6. 2012年台中春季電腦展,將從19號起到23號,在大台中國際會展中心登場,這次展出規模更勝往年,參展廠商高達200家,展示攤位從300個增加為450個。由於春季正值新舊電腦平台交替,除了新品之外,預計業者為了出清舊平台系列電腦,不惜祭出流血戰,至少有1成的下殺空間,有興趣的民眾可以把握機會選購。

The 2012 Multimedia Computer Show will take place from April 19th to 23rd in Taichung International Exhibition Center. About two hundred of the vendors will take part in it, and the number of booths is increased from three hundred to four hundred and fifty. They are hoped to hold a wholesale closeout for their old-pattern Tablet PC because it’s a season for replacing the old one by the new. People who want to take a chance for ten percent discount are welcome to attend it.

轉載自~ 國立教育廣播電台

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