1. 油電雙漲,帶動大學住宿費也傳出將調漲,教育部長蔣偉寧表示,教育部將和大學校院三大協進會瞭解溝通,今年因為情況特殊,期盼各大學共體時艱,從開源節流、校務基金因應,教育部也會提供協助,希望大學不要調漲住宿費。

As both the gas price and electricity bill are rising, rumors indicate the fees for dormitories in local universities will also rise. Minister Jiang from the Ministry of Education points out the Ministry of Education will work with the three collegiate associations for understanding and communication. Due to the extreme situation this year, Minister Jiang expects all the universities can altogether realize the specifically challenging timing and respond the situation with being more flexible on gathering financial support and more economic on expenditure; moreover, the university affair fund can also be utilized to cope with the situation. While the Ministry of Education will offer support, it is hoped the universities will not elevate the dormitory accommodation fees.

2. 101學年度國中小學教科書計價結果出爐,今年教科書各單項價格和去年一致,也就是國中小教科書將不會調漲,各單頁價格也將作為101學年度承辦縣市-嘉義縣政府議價的依據。至於參考書是否調漲,教育部長蔣偉寧表示,必須尊重市場機制,教育部只能道德勸說,

The result of prices towards the 2012 assistive textbooks for junior high school and elementary school students is available. This year, the price for the assistive textbooks in each single item is the equivalent as that of the last year. This means the junior high school and elementary school assistive textbooks will not face the escalation of selling prices. On the other hand, the price for each page will be the basis for the negotiation of price while the Jiayi County Government holds such a negotiation in 2012 school year. Whether the price of assistive textbooks should be raised, according to Minister Jiang from the Ministry of Education, the market mechanism should be valued while the Ministry of Education can only morally persuade each party involved.

3. 新北市立國民中學101學年度教師聯合甄選,共有64所國中委託辦理,各類科缺額將於5月18號公告在新北市教師聯合甄試系統,預訂6月17號舉行初試,錄取各類科甄選名額3到5倍的人數,進入6月30號的複試;報名時間從5月19號上午8點,到5月23號晚上12點。

64 junior high schools have entrusted the 2012 New Taipei City school year joint exam for junior high school teachers for their teacher selection procedure. In every subject, the vacancies will be announced at the system of the joint exam for the New Taipei City junior high school teachers. It is estimated the preliminary exam will be held on 17 June. Three to five times more of candidates for the vacancies needed in each subject will pass the preliminary exam and enter the second exam on 30 June. Registration is from 8 a.m. on 19 May until 12 p.m. on 23 May.

4. 繼選出全球最美的20家書店之後,娛樂網站Flavorwire.com又選出全球最美的25家公立圖書館,其中台北市立圖書館北投分館也被選上。台北市立圖書館北投分館是台灣第一座綠建築圖書館,座落於林木茂密、生態環境豐富的北投公園內,與溫泉博物館比鄰,曾經多次獲得國內外建築設計獎。

After the entertainment website Flavorwire.com has selected the 20 most dazzling bookstores in the globe, it then chooses the 20 most impressive public libraries worldwide. Among them, the Taipei Municipal Library Baitou Branch is on the list. This public library is the first green library in Taiwan. It situates in the Baitou Park, where lavishly green trees stand tall and the ecological environments are abundant. Next to the Baitou Hotspring Museum, the Taipei Municipal Library Baitou Branch has won architecture design awards domestically and internationally.

5. 依目前的發展趨勢,美國的企業主對具大學學位的人力需求,比全國各大學所能培育的人才,多出2300萬人之多。美國總統歐巴馬曾經表示,他希望到2020年,美國大學畢業生的比率能夠重新回到領導地位。不過,如果依照目前的增長腳步不變,到2025年時,這一數字只能達到46.5%。

According to the current trend of development, the personnel demand of the entrepreneurs for the college graduates is 2.3 million people more than what the American universities can cultivate. In the past, President Obama expressed the ratio of university graduates in the US can be in the leading position in 2020. Nonetheless, if the growth is as staggering as the current one the number will only reach 46.5% in 2025.

轉載自~ 國立教育廣播電台

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