
1. 十二年國教將在103年上路,有關入學方式將在5月舉辦術科類甄選的特色招生,與免試入學同時辦理,6月再辦理學科筆試的特色招生,有家長主張「特色招生在先,免試入學在後」,教育部長蔣偉寧強調,十二年國教希望擴大免試入學,特色招生先辦理可能讓更多學生想試試看,反而增加升學壓力。

12-year compulsory education will be put into practice in 2014. The specialty enrollment for the technical subjects held in May will be handled with the exam-free program. And the written test for the academic subjects will take place in June. Concerning the suggestion that some parents advocate of holding the enrollment before the program, minister of the Ministry of Education 蔣偉寧 emphasizes that the education is held to enlarge the scope of exam-free program. If the specialty enrollment goes first, more students would give it a try which may increase the educational pressure.


April 23rd is World Reading Day. National Central Library invitesd the wife of the president, Mrs.周美青, to Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education for telling the stories about how the painting “along the river of 清明 festival” came out for the students of higher grades and led them to know the history and arts of the paintings. Taking poems as main topic, the library is promoting kinds of performances and seminars for encouraging people to send the regards to their friends with sentences of poetry


3. 教育部昨天(23)舉行100年臺灣本土語言文學獎頒獎典禮,共有49件作品獲獎。其中,在客家語學生組散文類榮獲首獎的彭瑞珠,以《兩子阿婆》作品描述外婆對她和孩子的呵護與溫暖,永遠讓她記得外婆給她的祝福和保護,相當溫馨感人。

The Ministry of Education held the awarding ceremony for the forty-nine works praised by Taiwanese Local Literature Award yesterday. The students 彭瑞珠 who won the first prize for Hakka essay genre expressed her grandmothers’ care and warmness toward her and her children through the words. The essay keeps the blessing and protection of the grandmother in her mind which is impressive for the readers.

4. 台南市原住民學生參加「100年度原住民學生升學優待取得文化及語言能力證明考試」,通過族語認證有171人,合格率高達90.1%。這是台南市第七次勇奪全台灣各縣市第一名,尤其今年全國各縣市認證合格率普遍下降,證明臺南市用心推廣原住民多元族語教育。

One hundred seventy-one aboriginal students of Tainan City are qualified by the preferential exam of certifying the cultural and language abilities for the indigenous students in academic year 100th which leads the overall passing rate to ninety point one percent. This is the 7th time for Tainan City to win the champion in the examination. During the period that the national passing rate is going down, this achievement proves it successful in the promotion of aboriginal languages.

5. 臺中市政府持續推動各項低碳政策,秘書處長羅文遠昨天(23)在市政會議中,呼籲各機關借用會議室時,不要提供瓶裝水或杯水,秘書處備有100個環保瓷杯,各機關可以隨時借用,使用完畢後,再由秘書處統一回收並消毒,可以為節能減碳盡一份心力。

Taichung City Government keeps promoting kinds of policies relating to low-carbon promotion. The secretary director 羅文遠 called up every departments in the conference of city affairs yesterday not to provide bottles of water or packing water when using the meeting rooms. One hundred cups are provided in the department of secretary for the uses of each department. It will recycle and sterilize them after uses, which are good for environmental protection.

6. 香港政團民建聯的調查顯示,大部分單身和沒有約會對象的受訪女士認為,「剩女」這個名詞是貶低女性,在180名受訪者中,6成7人介意被標籤為剩女。受訪者也認為,單身最主要的原因是遇不到合適對象,其次是因為社交圈子窄,及對婚姻沒有信心。

An investigation of Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong shows that most part of female interviewees who are single or have no dating targets consider that the noun “剩女” is called to discriminate against women. Among one hundred and eighty of the interviewees, sixty-seven percent of them get annoyed by being labeled as it. They also think the major reasons why they keep single is they fail to meet the Mr. Right, the social circle they stand is too small and lack of confidence toward marriage.

新聞提供: 國立教育廣播電台

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