
1. 101年國中基本學力測驗,明天(24)截止報名,全國試務委員會提醒考生,要在各考區簡章所規定的報名時間內完成報名手續。今年的測驗報名費維持500元,考生將於5月25號收到准考證,考試將在6月9號、10號兩天舉行。

The deadline of registration for the 101st academic year junior high school basic competence test will be due tomorrow. The official of national committee of the examination reminds the test-takers to finish registration regulated in the prospectus in their respective areas. The registration fee remains NT$ 500 this year and test-takers will receive admission tickets on May 25th. The examination will take place in June 9 and 10th.

2. 為了培養大學生創新創業的精神,教育部表示,今年將首度辦理「大學校院創新創業紮根計畫」,總補助金額2000萬元,大學校院如果開設創新創業課程,最多可獲得50萬元補助,如果成立創新創業中心,促成產學合作實務的學校,最多可獲得500萬元的補助,5月15號前受理申請。

In an effort to cultivate the spirit of college student entrepreneurship, The Ministry of Education (MOE) indicated that a new program “college entrepreneurship incubation project” will get off the ground with a subsidy of NT$20 million. If colleges or universities set up courses regarding innovation and entrepreneurship, they can be subsidized up to NT$ 500 thousand. If they set up innovation and entrepreneurship center to incorporate with actual business practice in related industries, their subsidy can be reached to NT$5 million. The deadline for application is May 15th.

3. 環保署昨天(22)邀集12所環境教育設施場所代表,在臺北自來水園區舉行環教設施場所聯合揭牌活動。環保署長沈世宏打扮成導覽員,帶領小朋友體驗自來水園區設施。沈世宏說,12個環教設施場所具有豐富的環教人力及課程,鼓勵民眾利用休閒假日前往探索,親近大自然。

The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) invited the representatives of 12 EPA-certified environmental education facilities to kick off the opening ceremony of these 12 facilities at the Taipei Water Park yesterday. The minister of EPA, Shen Shu Hung, dressed up as a guide showing children around the facilities at the Water Park. He encouraged the public to explore and get close to nature in their leisure time to any of the 12 EPA-certified environmental education facilities which have an abundance of instructors ready to give tours of nature as well as lectures on environmental protection.

4. 響應世界地球日,「飢餓12」活動昨天(22)在新北市海山高中舉行。發起人臺北市北一女中學生吳宜庭表示,她曾經到薩爾瓦多進行人文關懷,實際看到當地缺水、缺糧,希望以公益活動,傳達關懷地球的理念。

In response to the Earth Day, “Hunger 12” kicked off in New Taipei Municipal Hai-Shan High School yesterday. The initiator, Wu Yi- Ting, a student from Taipei First Girl High School, said that she has been on a humanitarian voluntary tour in Salvador where she witnessed people living under the condition of water and food shortage. With this charity event, she hoped to convey the message to care for the earth.

5. 每年3月初到4月底是宜蘭龜山島百合花盛開時期,但今年的花苞罕見遭蟲害,加上吸引鳥類啄食蟲子,可能見不到百合花綻放美景。東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處表示,不排除邀請農業專家前往勘查防治,但也可能尊重島上是原始生態資源的特色,讓百合花隨大自然食物鏈的演化,讓它自生自滅。

Lily is in full blossom in early March to the end of April in Turtle Mountain Island every year, but this year its flower buds are rarely infested with insects which in turns attract birds to join the feast; as a result, it’s not likely to see the beautiful scenery of lily blossom anymore. The administration of Northeast and Yi-lan Coast Scenic Area said that they will not rule out the possibility to invite agricultural experts to investigate and come up with solutions; however, there’s also a possibility that the administration will respect the characteristic of primitive ecological resources; that is; to let nature takes its course through the food chain evolution.

6. 世界地球日(Earth Day),各國都舉辦各種活動提醒大眾保護地球、節能減碳的重要,同時傳達環保應該從日常生活做起的觀念。根據美國網站(統計,如果全球8億4500萬的臉書用戶,將每天沖澡時間縮短1分鐘,省下的水量可填滿110萬個奧運規格的游泳池,非常可觀。

With Earth day coming up, countries all around the world held all kinds of activities to remind the public to protect the Earth and the importance of reducing carbon emission as well as to convey a concept that environmental protection starts from daily life. According to an American website,, if all of Facebook’s 845 million users shortened their shower by 1 minute, the amount of water saved would fill 1.1 million Olympic sized swimming pools, which is pretty amazing.

轉載自~ 國立教育廣播電台

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