1. 教育部公布103年實施的國中教育會考內容,國中教育會考將在每年5月選擇一個週末假期舉行2天,考國文、英語、數學、社會、自然及寫作測驗,除了數學科有非選擇題之外,其他各科維持4選1的選擇題,英文科則增加聽力測驗;另外,數學科非選擇題及英聽從104年起才正式採計成績。

The Ministry of Education has announced the content for the junior high school joint exam designated to be held in 2014. The timing of this exam will be on any of the weekend in May. The subjects tested include Chinese, English, Math, Social Science, Natural Science and Writing. Aside from the Non-multiple Questions in Math, in all the other subjects, there will be Multiple Choice Questions with a correct answer out of the four options. There will be an added Listening Test in the English exam. In addition, the Non-multiple Questions in Math and the Listening Test in English will be a part of the final score from 2015.

2. 落實全民減碳行動,教育部與天下雜誌教育基金會合作推動「2012行動綠生活」網路學習,將號召全國中小學生,參加為期45天、每人每天減碳1公斤行動,包括:搭大眾交通工具上學、每天少看電視1小時、不使用免洗餐具、出門自備水壼或帶環保杯,目標達到累積減少碳排放450萬公斤,希望有550萬人次能上網參與。

To diminish the carbon footprint from all walks of life in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education and the Commonwealth Magazine Educational Foundation have jointly promoted an internet learning project. Advocating the local junior high school and elementary school students to cut their carbon footprint for a kilo a day, the dubbed “2012 Green Life in Action” asks the pupils to take public transportations to commute, watch TV for an hour less per day, not use the disposable dishware, and prepare their own containers when they need to drink water. The goal is to dwindle the carbon emission by 4.5 million kilos and it is hoped 5.5 million people will take part in the project through the internet.

3. 臺北市龍安國小替學童舉辦畫展,讓小朋友把自己的得意畫作展示在各班走廊,除了展現創意,也讓學童互相評量同學的作品。學童除了寫實作品,也有抽象或是想像的科幻畫作。

Long-An Elementary School in the Taipei City has held a painting exhibition for its pupils. It enables the pupils to exhibit their favorite paintings made by themselves in the hallways of each class. This not only makes the pupils demonstrate their sense of creativity, but also gives the pupils a chance to evaluate each other’s works. Besides the realistic, the paintings range from the abstract to the imaginative sci-fi ones.

4. 最近自殺事件頻傳,行政院長陳?表示,國內自殺人數由民國95年4406人的高峰,下降到100年3417人,自殺人數下降,雖然可以看到防治成果,但任何自殺事件的發生,政府相關部會都應該重視並設法防止,並呼籲全民平時多關心周遭的親戚朋友。

Lately suicidal cases take place more often. Premier Chen expresses the number of people committing suicide declined to 3,417 in 2011 from the peak of 4,406 in 2006. Though the result of prevention methods taken can be seen from such decline, when any suicidal case occurs, the related governmental offices should value such and manage to prevent more local residents from taking their own lives. Premier Chen also advocates the local residents to spend more time and energy caring about their relatives and friends.

5. 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校表示,校園可能全面禁煙,其實學校已經朝向禁煙方向努力多時。二月間,德州癌症預防與研究中心宣布,研究經費的分配應該和禁煙政策有所連結,而德州大學每年從這個中心獲得3千萬美金(甚至可能高達8千萬美金)的研究經費補助。

University of Texas at Austin has expressed a total ban on smoking may take place in its campus. In fact, the university has researched on the prohibition of smoking for quite some time. During February, the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas announced the dispatch of budget on research should be connected with the smoking prohibition policy. As for the University of Texas at Austin, it annually obtains 300 million USD (or even as high as 800 million USD) research subsidy from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.

新聞提供: 國立教育廣播電台

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